Have you ever read Douglas Adams? In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a super computer is constructed to calculate the Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. It takes over seven million years to produce the answer, which ends up being 42; however, the computer cannot compute the Ultimate Question.
A humorous situation, but apt in present circumstances. You see, I am going to give you the Secret of Creation, or, more exactly, the Secret of Creating. But, as in all these types of situations, there are very few who will believe me. Not that I blame you, because everyone talks but few deliver. And even if you do believe me, as the story from Hitchhiker’s shows, it’s one thing to have the answer, it’s a totally different thing to be able to leverage that answer for benefit.
The secret of creating is folding.
That’s it. The ability to fold, in an informed way, lies at the root of all creation and all created things. For example, proteins fold into specific shapes, and those shapes specify function. The various functions make these folds the basis of most of the processes within your body; therefore folding is essential to life. This is knowledgeable folding. Alzheimer’s and BSE show what occurs when folding is done without knowledge.
MIT professor Erik Demaine developed the proof for what has been called the Cut and Fold Problem. The question it asked was, “What shapes is it possible to create by folding a piece of paper and then making one cut?” The answer turned out to be, “Any straight-sided shape.”
I’m going to push this a bit further and state that if you choose the right material, any shape is possible. All of creation is a product of this exercise. Let’s take a look.
Remember that in the blog post Shiny Happy People, we looked at God, and the beginning of created things, as a kind of super-symmetry. But how is that perfect symmetry accomplished? One of the problems encountered in the process of sintering is ensuring a uniform mélange of material. How do you blend the component parts adequately? But even a perfect blend of components isn’t enough for the type of symmetry we are discussing. The secret of this symmetry lies in folding. Let’s examine the visuals from the previous post.
Here is that fish in his perfect cerulean ocean. That perfection, that symmetrical blend, came about – speaking in human terms – as the result of folding. And the product of folding to the point of symmetry is an infinite amount of folds. A poor but visually representative example is to think of it like folding water. What is the difference between water folded once and water folded many times?
Out of this folding, any shape can be produced. And this is where the break comes in. In the former post this break was compared to a piece of seaweed that severs perfect symmetry and anchors a beginning, a place from which we can measure. That break is the cut that produces that which is unfolded into creation.
“So, why should I care,” may be the first thought that pops into your head. If you want to understand the pattern of creation this is integral, and we will look at an example in the next post.